Tuesday 20 October 2009


Now it's raining.
Oh my gawsh, no more outside photography today!! :(

Update of my day so far:
Woke up.
Fell out of bed.
Knocked over my light.
Went downstairs in my pjs.
Into the kitchen to find that there is no bread. No toast.
Stubbed my toe on the way to find my laptop.
Now, on blogger, pretty bored. And hungry.


Ohh yaay!!
I just got something in the post this morning. I love getting post. I hardly ever get any post, so this was prettty exciting stuff tbh.
So, into the kitchen, careful not to stub my toe again, found a pink envelope on the table with 'Miss Rachel E. Griffiths' on it. Ooooohhh. I didn't have a birthday or anything.... a bit early for Christmas isn't it?!
So, I opened my randomly delivered card, and found it was from some of Mum's old friends who we has seen earlier in the week. Saying Get Well Soon because I had fallen off the treadmill at school and wrecked my knees. Nawwwwhh, bless them.

And there was a £5 note in the card as well, to 'spend on something nice'.
This is soo sweet of them, aren't old people kind? N'awwww.

So, now I am happy. Woppee! LOL

Yesterday, I got post. But that was just a letter from the opticians. nawwwtt as excitingg, ehh? Yepp.

Ah well. Back to boredom I guess...... :)

I had a shower, then mooched around the house..
And had chicken pieces and chips for lunch. YUMMY. :)
Then I went to a really random furniture place, and collected my new bedroom furniture.
I love it. It's a three piece set which will look lussh in my room, hopefully. :) :)

so, good day. :)
while my bro is at the dentists. LOL.


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